> 春节2024 > 介绍广东的冬天英语作文




Guangzhou is a warm city with a long summer and a short winter. During the summer, it is extremely hot and humid, and frequent rainfall is common in Guangzhou. The temperature can often reach over 35 degrees Celsius, making it quite uncomfortable for people. Despite the hot weather, Guangzhou offers many ways to cool down, such as air-conditioning in buildings and refreshing drinks like iced tea and fruit smoothies.

On the other hand, the winter in Guangzhou is relatively mild compared to other parts of China. Although the temperature does drop, it rarely goes below 10 degrees Celsius. The winter days are characterized by clear blue skies and gentle sunshine, creating a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere. It is a great time to explore the city\'s outdoor attractions without worrying about extreme cold. However, it is still advisable to bring along a light jacket or sweater for cooler evenings.


Guangzhou experiences a long summer season, lasting from May to September. The weather during this period is hot and humid, with frequent rainfall. The average temperature can exceed 30 degrees Celsius, making it necessary for residents and tourists to seek shelter in air-conditioned spaces or take advantage of activities near water, such as visiting water parks or enjoying a refreshing swim in the Pearl River.

During the winter months, from December to February, the weather in Guangzhou becomes much milder. The temperature ranges from 10 to 20 degrees Celsius, with occasional cooler days. The city enjoys clear skies and plenty of sunshine, creating a pleasant and inviting atmosphere. It is a perfect time to explore Guangzhou\'s rich cultural heritage, visit parks and gardens, or simply enjoy outdoor activities without the discomfort of extreme heat.


When it comes to describing the winter in Guangzhou, you can use the following sentences to express its warmth and pleasantness:

\"In Guangzhou, the winter is filled with bright sunshine and warmth, as if spring has arrived early, providing a comfortable and cozy feeling.\"

\"The winter temperature in Guangzhou remains mild, with the gentle warmth of the sun making you feel like you are in a warm embrace.\"

\"Guangzhou\'s winter is a time of delight, with the temperature being just right and the sun shining warmly, creating a pleasant and inviting atmosphere.\"


It is often said that Guangdong does not have a distinct winter due to its tropical and subtropical climate. The region experiences warm and humid weather throughout the year, making the seasons less distinct compared to northern areas of China. While Guangdong\'s winter may not have the freezing temperatures associated with colder climates, it still brings cooler temperatures and a drop in humidity. The milder winter in Guangdong allows for a variety of outdoor activities and a more comfortable lifestyle.


广东 has a subtropical climate with mild winters and hot, humid summers. The average low temperature during winter in Guangdong ranges from 0 to 10 degrees Celsius. However, it is important to note that the temperature can vary depending on the specific location within Guangdong. Generally, wearing a light jacket or sweater is sufficient to keep warm during the winter months. On rainy and colder days, adding an extra layer or wearing a coat may be necessary to stay comfortable.


1. \"Winter Song\" by Li Bai from Tang Dynasty:

In the north, wind rolls snowy grass, and snow flies in August just like in Hu (in the north, it is a metaphor for the cold and snowy weather). All of a sudden, like a spring breeze overnight, a thousand trees and ten thousand trees burst into pear blossoms. Blown into the pearl curtain, wetting the silk curtains and the winter blankets thin with no warmth. The general\'s cornered bow and curved bow have been abandoned like the poet\'s solitude.


According to popularity and comfort, here is a ranking of the warmest cities in Guangdong during winter:

  1. Nanao Island: Nanao Island is known for its year-round spring-like climate, offering pleasant and comfortable weather. With its beautiful scenery and mild temperatures, it is a popular tourist destination for those seeking warmth and relaxation.
  2. Guangzhou: As the capital city of Guangdong, Guangzhou also boasts relatively warm winter temperatures. The city enjoys a subtropical climate, resulting in milder winters compared to other regions in China. The average temperature during winter hovers around 15 to 20 degrees Celsius, making it a comfortable place to live or visit during this season.
  3. Zhanjiang: Zhanjiang is another city in Guangdong that experiences mild winter temperatures. With a coastal location and comfortable climate, it offers a pleasant retreat for those looking to escape the cold and enjoy outdoor activities during winter.


The winter in the southern region is often described as subtle and unnoticeable. While the midday sun feels warm, mornings and evenings can be unexpectedly cold. During this time, the feeling of winter becomes more prominent.

1. \"Southern Winter\" by Yuan Mei from Qing Dynasty:

In the southern winter, the temperature is mild and comfortable. The sunshine during the day makes people feel as if it is still autumn, but the nights are as cold as a winter\'s night. The winter in the south is like a blend of autumn and winter, where the chill slowly seeps in, creating a unique and gentle atmosphere.


In comparison to Hainan, Guangzhou\'s winter is colder, although it rarely experiences snowfall. The temperature in Guangzhou during winter usually ranges from around 10 to 15 degrees Celsius, while Hainan maintains a much milder climate due to its tropical location. However, both Guangzhou and Hainan have relatively mild winters compared to northern parts of China. It is not uncommon to see people in Guangzhou wearing light jackets or sweaters during the winter months, while in Hainan, the weather remains warm and comfortable.


As of December 6, 2019, the historical minimum temperature recorded in Guangzhou was -2.6 degrees Celsius. During winter, from December to February, the prevailing winds from the northeast or north bring cold and dry air from the northern regions. However, as the air travels long distances, it becomes modified and moist, resulting in milder temperatures and increased humidity. The average temperature during winter in Guangzhou ranges from 10 to 20 degrees Celsius, providing residents and visitors with a pleasant winter experience.